


We recently created a series of presentations for Maaco in conjunction with our partner agency, Fuse Communications. Although we had to use existing footage, the results/response was extremely positive. From the success of these initial presentations, we were ask by Maaco create an additional series. This follow-up series is currently in postproduction.

Visit Maaco site.




Accu-Chek “Peace of Mind” Behind-The-Scenes

Wow… We haven't posted anything in a year?! Yikes! In our defense, McKenzie Creative has been extremely busy and is growing fast. Very exciting times ahead.

At the beginning of this year, we created a 1-minute spot for the launching of a new product from Accu-Chek. The project was a huge success and it now appears that we will be creating various versions of this spot for other countries spanning across the globe! 

Here’s a fun little behind-the-scenes look at the 2-day shoot. Enjoy.



Japanese Spring

Here's a small piece that I filmed just for fun on one Sunday morning a few months ago. No, I didn't get a chance to go to Japan (bummer). I filmed this while visiting Anderson Japanese Gardens located only a few miles down the street from McKenzie Creative studio. If you are ever in-town, I would definitely check this place out. It feels like you've been instantly transported to the land of the rising sun! Or so I would imagine... So if you are feeling a little stressed out today, this should help put in a zen-like mood. Enjoy.



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Devil is in the details


For the third and final installment of the Restoration Specialists' TV commercials, I decided to create a set that would best depict a "redneck" shack. Originally, I considered doing the entire production using a green screen and then composite a virtual 3d model set in post. The idea was temping but going old school with a real set I decided was the best solution for this project. Trying to keep the budget under control, we set out to build a redneck shack using the most efficient and cost-effective ways possible. Assisting me in the build was Tim Zeinz, an amazing carpenter and longtime friend of mine. The set consisted of one wall, one window, one door and a front porch. It seemed simple enough to build, but like all successful endeavors, the devil is in the details.

Lowe's quickly became our best resource for the materials that we needed. In the past I had noticed things like the inexpensive sections of wood fencing and the cheap barn-style wood paneling. These two resources became the basis for our build. The wood fencing became the floor boards for the front porch and of course the paneling became the basis for the wall. We also weathered the set with paint and stain to give it that "lived in" look. Dressing the set, I decided to find the most quintessential items that no redneck shack could do without. A rocking chair, a banjo, a moonshine jug, a raccoon pelt, a bug zapper, an old tub, a clothes line, a bird house and a spittoon.

Perhaps the most critical of elements were lighting. I ended up using a variety of nine different lights to achieve the desired look. First, I wanted it to look like the actors were lit by three overhead porch lights. To achieve this effect, I used three ordinary halogen work lamps clipped overhead. Second, I wanted it to seem like it was being filmed during a moon-lit evening. So for the outer edges of the set I decided to bounce light from two 500 watt LEDS to create a blue colored cast. Third, I used two 300w halogens and added CTO orange gels to warm it up even further to create the window effect. Forth, to light the foreground weeds, I decided to use two 5600k lamps to match the color temperature of the two 500w LEDS. Lastly, I decided to use one 100w Flolight Microbeam for fill on some of the close up shots of the actors.

Adding the weeds in the foreground really helped to sell the illusion. All we did was cut some weeds from a nearby empty lot and clipped them to sawhorses. Then I mounted the camera on a slider to create a small inward dolly that reveals the redneck shack. Aside from casting a hound dog, I think we pretty much had everything covered.

Set lighting kit.
Set lighting kit.
One of the two 500w LEDs used for the moonlight effect.

One of the two 500w LEDs used for the moonlight effect.

Two 300w halogens with CTO gels for window lighting.

Two 300w halogens with CTO gels for window lighting.

One of three work lamps used for lighting the talent.

One of three work lamps used for lighting the talent.

5600k weed lighting. Yes, that is the technical term.

5600k weed lighting. Yes, that is the technical term.

Foreground weeds, camera rig and slider dolly.

Foreground weeds, camera rig and slider dolly.

Camera rig and slider.

Camera rig and slider.

Wall detail of the redneck shack set. Distressing the paneling really brought out the textures.

Wall detail of the redneck shack set. Distressing the paneling really brought out the textures.

Front porch was actually inexpensive wood fencing from Lowe’s.

Front porch was actually inexpensive wood fencing from Lowe’s.

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“Leina Luelf” trailer.

In an effort to tell compelling stories about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The first installment focuses on Leina – a warm, intelligent and beautiful young women, that’s more than meets the eye... Mini-documentary coming soon.



Team Spartan POV

I'm in the process of rolling out a new campaign for Spartan Energy Drink. I wanted the brand to display life unscripted. Here is short film that was shot using the GoPro camera attached the one of the team members for Spartan Energy at the Super Spartan Race 2012. To enhance the production, all of the sound effects were done in post.


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Guest lecturer at Northern Illinois University

A few weeks ago I was asked to be a guest lecturer at my alma mater, Northern Illinois University in DeKalb Illinois. I spoke to a class of about 80 teenagers who were attending a summer art program. I gave a presentation that lasted about 50 minutes in length. The overarching theme for my presentation was PASSION. If they were considering a career in the visual arts, I tried to convey to them the importance of passion. Let's face it to be successful in anything you must have passion for what you do and never being satisfied with the status quo.

As a professional artist, my journey has not always been easy and I wanted them to understand that having the perseverance to push yourself and being passionate can make all the difference. It's not enough that you were born with the gift of creativity, you have to continue to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and constantly build new skills.

Hopefully I was successful in reaching my audience to have passion in whatever they decided to do. Life challenges all of us in one form or another. It's what we decide to do with these challenges that define us.

Here is little excerpt of the presentation. Unfortunately the footage quality is not great.

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Getting it dialed in

Next week we will be shooting the final commercial for Restoration Specialists. Here a test shot of the redneck shack set. Not all of the props are in place yet. Lighting is always a concern of mine and for a set such as this, lighting should never be an afterthought.



Times Square

I was recently in New York doing a week long shoot for a client of mine. During one evening, I decided to do some timelapse and since I was staying at a hotel only a few blocks away from Times Square, I couldn't resist.


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Gilda’s Club Chicago 2011 / Agents of Hope

Gilda’s Club is a free support service for everyone living with cancer, along with their families and friends. Each year more than 30,000 people in the Chicago area are diagnosed with cancer.

Working in conjunction with s2 Financial Marketing, I was asked to create this film in order to help generate more awareness of Gilda’s Club and it's positive effect on the community. The short film was premiered on June 21st, during the 13th Anniversary Celebration held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. The event was a huge success, with over 500 people in attendance and donations that were overwhelming!

This was the fourth time that I was asked to create a short film for Gilda’s Club Chicago. There are some truly amazing individuals at Gilda’s and I feel honored to once again contribute in a small way to this fantastic organization. If you know anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, please let them know that they are not alone.

Click here to receive more information about a Gilda’s Club near you.

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A few weeks ago I decided to do a timelapse test on my way to a shoot. This is approximately an hour of time compressed into a one minute film. I used my Manfrotto car mount and my GoPro Hero HD camera to do the timelapse with. Enjoy.

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